Keep Calm and Carry on Wedding Planning

Here I am back again with more wedding well-being ideas. This time it’s about how to keep calm when planning your Wedding Day. Whilst planning your wedding day can be a joyful experience, the extra tasks to complete, can be challenging. Therefore here are some ideas that may assist you before and on your special day. 

I know when I get busy making your beautiful Bespoke Accessories these are techniques that I personally have found helpful. 

10 Well being Ideas when Wedding Planning

Please do your own research though, and find what works for you. Hopefully, this will help you to enjoy yourself more and give you confidence. You may wish try one or two relaxing activities at a time and then see which are the most helpful.

  1. Exercise: Although the amount you may be doing has increased, it’s still very important to ensure that you are looking after you! Finding fun ways of exercising can help to ease anxiety and stress. The adrenaline that has built up throughout the working day, is safely channelled into a positive and fun activity. The type of exercise is up to you, although I personally find swimming, dance and yoga calming. The endorphins generated from this activity gives you that added bonus of making you feel happy.
  2. Connection: talking to your friends and family during stressful times can also be helpful and sometimes tasks can be given to others who may enjoy being given the chance to help you.
  3. Walking: getting some time, space and perspective can help. Going out for a walk can calm jitters. Bringing my attention to my feet when walking helps me to clear any mind chatter. Walking in nature can be especially calming and like pressing the reset button.
  4. Laughter. A good belly laugh makes you and those around you feel better. Whether it be from a comedy or if you really want to go for it, laughter yoga. There really is something in the old proverb: Laughter is the Best Medicine. 
  5. E.F.T. Emotional Freedom Technique: This is a way of clearing negative thoughts and emotions from the body. They are then replaced with good feelings and positive thoughts. It can be learnt via a Workshop or Course, there are also good references online. You tap the body on the meridian lines to release the negative energy. You then replace the negative thoughts with positive affirmations whilst tapping on the meridian channels. It helps to restore a sense of balance. 
  6. Aromatherapy: this works on the Olfactory System. The essential oils calm the nervous system, affecting the body through the nose. Traditional Calming oils are Lavender and Chamomile.
  7. Music. Have you noticed that humming a tune can distract you from your thoughts. Music can transform moods and uplift your spirit
  8. Singing: Singing along to your favourite tune helps you to feel good and happy
  9. Doodling: get out your adult colouring book! Well, you may not have time for that, but even a quick doodle can relax and restore a sense of calm. 
  10. Bath: Remembering to relax in the bath always calms the nerves.

There you are then, 10 tips to calm your nerves while Wedding Planning and for your Special Day. I hope you find these ideas useful. Maybe start with just one or two and see which is the most effective. Please feel free to share your relaxation tips and comments below. 

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