My life currently consists of endeavouring to balance my life as a Mum, with that of running a Creative Business. Some days I achieve more than others. The days that I am the most productive are usually when I have written some sort of list of tasks. This is usually sub-divided into categories including; Work, Household, Shopping, Friends and Family.
Work Timetable
Something that has also helped is having a clear Work Timetable. This is so I know firstly where I am going to be and the tasks that I can focus on. I also visualise and set an intention the night before I am working, to consider what I want or need to accomplish the next day.
I set aside time one day a week for administration. Child-free time that is helpful for getting those tasks completed.
Working from home is sometimes fun and creative, although i very often welcome company. Recognising when I need time around other people is key. Working from a Coffee Shop or a Business Club is invaluable.
Productivity Tips
To clarify, here are my Top Ten Tips for improved productivity as a Mum running a Creative Business.
- Writing a daily Sub-divided To Do List.
- Having a Weekly Work Timetable.
- Scheduling Cleaning Times.
- Noting your Top 5 most Effective Activities each week. Repeat and revise as necessary.
- Assign Time Deadlines to tasks.
- Allowing at the beginning of every month for Monthly Calendar Planning.
- Using Vision Boards for visualising and yearly planning.
- Having a simplified, one page version of a Business Plan on the wall.
- Using the 5 minute rule; asking yourself to apply yourself and achieve the task in the next 5 minutes.
- Project Management: Gant Charts, Base Camp and similar Project Management Software. Link to a Top 28 Free Project Management Software Article
There’s also daily ideas for working wellbeing that aid productivity. I will save these for the next post.